Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini explained the reasons for the importance of improving the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) through population data and civil records (Dukcapil) carried out by local governments from six months to once a month.

Social Minister Risma said that when she was just in office, her party received a mandate to improve data based on the Population Identification Number (NIK), due to findings of problems in the distribution of social assistance from the KPK, BPK and BPKP.

"So, the identity is mandatory for us to make improvements, after that we make data improvements with NIK," said Risma at the Regional Head Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) and Forkopimda quoted, Antara, Tuesday, January 17.

When the repairs were made, there were 156 million beneficiary families (KPM) recorded in the DTKS. The Ministry of Social Affairs then returned the policy of determining the poor to the regions, according to Law Number 13 of 2011 concerning the Poor.

The criteria for the poor who previously had 46 parameters, then through a joint study with the University of Indonesia, were simplified to 9 parameters.

Although in this regulation, the data on the poor is at least verified twice a year, in the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, population data is rapidly developing.

Not only that, natural disaster situations also make DTKS more dynamic. This is because of the increasing number of new poor people whose houses were affected by the damage.

Thus, verification is carried out from the bottom, starting from the RT and RW levels, Kelurahan/Village, Subdistricts until the Regional Head is appointed, then sent to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

According to him, in this situation it is impossible to improve data only every six months.

"So, we change the data, the improvements are every month. So, every month now I make a decree (decision letter) regarding data improvement," he said.

The decree then became the basis for the Ministry of Social Affairs in providing social assistance to beneficiaries who had been registered in DTKS.

"So, we now have 148 million that's the case for Dukcapil. Then 100 percent of the social assistance funds now have been supported by Dukcapil," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

Social Minister Risma said that thanks to the participation that has been made by the local government, more than 33 million data on beneficiaries has been corrected. The data includes birth, transfer to death.

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