JAKARTA - Bripka KP and Bripda AT were fired from the police service due to being absent from duty for more than 30 consecutive days without a valid permit.

The Head of Public Relations of the Gorontalo Police, Kombes Wahyu Tri Cahyono, said that the PTDH sanctions were given based on the decision of the Gorontalo Police Chief Number: Kep/5/I/2023 and Number: Kep/6/I/2023 dated January 9, 2023.

"That starting from that date, the Police have been dishonorably dismissed from the National Police's service against Bripka KP members of the Taluditi Polsek Pohuwato and Bripda AH members of the Boalemo Police," said Kombes Wahyu Tri Cahyono in Gorontalo, Tuesday, January 17.

The two personnel violated Article 14 paragraph 1 letter A of the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 1 of 2003 concerning the dismissal of members of the National Police and or Article 7 paragraph 3 letter B of Perkap Number 14 of 2011 concerning the Police Professional Code of Ethics.

Wahyu emphasized that discipline is a breath for every member of the National Police, and is the basis taught since attending the education of the formation of Polri members.

"Through discipline, every member of the National Police is taught to obey the principles, norms, laws and regulations that apply, so that police personnel who violate the application of disciplinary regulatory sanctions to the police professional code of ethics," he said.

"Hopefully, this can provide a deterrent effect for other Polri personnel," he said.

This action, said Wahyu, is a form of the Gorontalo Police Chief's commitment to applying awards and punishments in a balanced manner.

"Those who excel will be given an award, while those who violate will be processed firmly in accordance with applicable regulations," he added.

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