JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Health reported that as many as 6,886 of the total 10,321 health care facilities in the Puskesmas in Indonesia had been equipped with ultrasonographic pregnancy examination devices (USG).

"The Ministry of Health will gradually meet the needs of ultrasound at all Puskesmas in Indonesia," said Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 16.

He said that the fulfillment of ultrasound equipment in all Puskesmas in Indonesia is targeted to be fulfilled by 2024.

Until the end of 2022, training for health workers in the use of ultrasound tools has reached 42 percent of Puskesmas or 4,392 service locations.

The fulfillment of the ultrasound for 2023 is targeted at 1,943 puskesmas, and in 2024 as many as 1,492 puskesmas. Likewise with the doctor's training which will be continued this year.

Budi said, one of the main agendas of SDGs is to reduce maternal mortality and child mortality.

"Positive and regular antenna examinations during pregnancy will determine the health status of pregnant women and babies born," he said.

Until now, the Maternal Mortality Rate (AKI) is still in the range of 305 per 100,000 births, has not yet reached the specified target, which is 183 per 100,000 births alive in 2024.

"Likewise, babies and toddlers that we still have to save from death," he said.

The target of suppressing maternal and child mortality is carried out through specific interventions carried out during and before birth.

According to Budi, the Ministry of Health has determined that the examination of pregnant women or antenna care (ANC) is carried out at least six times for 9 months as a form of commitment to providing essential services for pregnant women.

Budi said that the examination of pregnant women must be examined by doctors twice and at ultrasound.

"Later it will be seen and detected more quickly when pregnant if there are abnormalities and the risk of childbirth complications that may occur," he said.

To support this activity, the Ministry of Health is in the process of providing ultrasound in all provinces in Indonesia.

Previously, ultrasound examinations could only be carried out at hospitals or clinics, currently pregnant women can carry out examinations at the puskesmas.

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