SOUTH SUMATRA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reminded residents along the Watershed (DAS) of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency to be aware of potential flash flood disasters due to overflowing river water.

Manajer Pusdalops BPBD OKU, Gunalfi menyampaikan intensitas hujan tinggi yang terjadi di daerah itu sejak beberapa hari terakhir dikhawatirkan menimbulkan banjir bandang sehingga masyarakat khususnya di sekitar DAS Ogan untuk meningkatkan kewasiatan menghadapi bencana alam.

In fact, the hot air temperature detected at 30 degrees Celsius during the day suddenly turned into dark clouds, causing heavy rain accompanied by lightning that could potentially cause floods.

"Based on early warning from the BMKG, conditions like this will occur over the next few days," he said in Baturaja, OKU, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Monday, January 16, as reported by Antara.

Moreover, he continued, OKU Regency is an area prone to flash floods because it is close to the Ogan watershed which connects several districts in South Sumatra.

Based on data, there are two sub-districts in OKU Regency that are prone to flash floods, namely Pengandonan and Muarajaya sub-districts because they are in lowlands and close to the watershed.

"Almost every year this area becomes a subscription to flash floods that submerge hundreds of residents' houses and damage other public facilities," he said.

Therefore, people in the area are reminded to increase their vigilance against natural disasters so as not to cause casualties.

As an effort to anticipate, his party has set a standby status by establishing a disaster management post, including alerting personnel so that natural disasters can be overcome as early as possible.

BPBD OKU also installs early warning signs in areas prone to floods and landslides in the area.

"The installation of early warning signs is intended to increase residents' vigilance against the possibility of natural disasters," he said.

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