Bogor Police Chief AKBP Iman Imanuddin said the public should not hesitate to report any form of extortion following the disclosure of cases of two "bully journalists" with the initials AY and Z in Sibanteng Village, Leuwisadeng, Bogor Regency, West Java (West Java).

"I appeal to the public or officials in areas where the village may be the target of individuals who like to confess to the media by scaring them by rising the news. I appeal to them to immediately report to us," he said in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, Monday, January 16.

Iman admitted that he would investigate the case of fake journalists after the arrests of suspects AY and Z. He believes there are other fake groups who often commit extortion.

"Information that came to us, there are indeed several groups who have this kind of habit (extortion), but we are currently investigating," said Iman, quoted by Antara.

He regretted the extortion by AY and Z because they were considered to have ridden the journalist profession in committing a crime.

"People who are irresponsible on behalf of the media then scare them by asking the public for something. Actually, the person concerned cannot be said to be a media crew if he is not registered with the Press Council," he said.

Previously, the Head of the Luewiliang Police, Kompol Agus Supriyanto, explained that AY and Z were secured on Thursday (12/1) evening in Leuwisadeng, after asking RW management for money in Sibanteng Village, Leuwisadeng District with threats to report a case.

AY and Z, said Commissioner Agus, initially asked for Rp50 million, then lowered the request for Rp32 million and again lowered it to Rp15 million.

"Then Rp10 million was handed over, then Rp5 million asked for another week. Later, if within a week it is not submitted, the news goes up," said Commissioner Agus.

According to him, the case referred to by AY and Z was related to allegations of illegal levies on the implementation of the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) program in Sibanteng Village.

"So he thinks there are illegal levies. But it's not proven like illegal levies. What he did was said to be an individual from RT RW," he said.

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