DIY - The police denied that there was a political element in the fraud case that used the name of the Deputy Regent (Wabup) of Bantul Joko Purnomo in the district of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

Head of Public Relations of the Bantul Police, Iptu I Nengah Jeffry Prana Widnyana, said that based on public reports, the case occurred in Sewon and Bambanglipuro sub-districts. The report was made to the police on January 12.

"Regarding this case, the Bantul Police did not justify any political elements. This is an ordinary fraud, this is not the first motive for fraud that has been reported to the police," he said in a written message, Monday, January 16, which was confiscated by Antara.

He gave an example, the same case and motive in the fraud incident by using the names of the governors of Central Java, regents and chairmen of the Sragen Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in 2022.

"The motive and target are more or less the same, under the guise of assistance to the mosque administrator or takmir. The perpetrator transferred fictitious funds to the victim's account number, then the perpetrator contacted the victim on the pretext that there was an error or an excess of nominal amount when transferring," he said.

After that, the victim was asked by the perpetrator to return the excess from the transferred funds.

According to him, the incident was the same as in Bantul, namely someone who claimed to be the vice minister of Bantul contacted the victim (the mosque manager) by telephone and promised to provide financial assistance for the mosque with certain conditions and nominal conditions.

"The method is the same, the perpetrator said the excess transfer was excess, then the victim was asked to return the money to his account number," he said.

Based on the incident report, the Bantul Police have tried to check the phone number used by the perpetrators in collaboration with the Yogyakarta Police's Cyber Ditreskrimsus Unit.

The Bantul Police also coordinate with related parties, such as the Ministry of Religion, sub-districts and mosque administrators, including Bhabinkamtibmas, to give an appeal to the public to be more careful of fraud with this mode.

"Once again, the Bantul Police urge the public to be more careful and check the truth, don't believe it easily. Immediately report or complain if you experience or find out a suspicious incident," he said.

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