BEKASI - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini highlighted the phenomenon of online beggars through the TikTok application. He will write to local governments so that there are follow-up for begging is not allowed even through social media.
"I'll write it down later. No, no (not to the police, ed). I appeal to the regions, my job is to carry it out. That (online immigration, ed) is not allowed," Risma told reporters in Lambang Sari Village, South Tambun, Bekasi, West Java, Sunday, January 15.
The phenomenon of online beggars on TikTok has been in the spotlight of netizens lately. The reason is that many social media users broadcast live or live on TikTok by carrying out extreme or unnatural activities.
Some of the content highlighted by netizens is live TikTok by bathing in water and even bathing in mud. Those who did it turned out to be not only young people but also elderly people.
The begging pattern is carried out by utilizing the golf feature on TikTok. The hope is that the prizes received can be exchanged for money.
Returning to Risma, the chairman of the PDIP DPP stated that his ministry would seek legislation references. Thus, the ban on online begging can be enforced according to the rules.
"Now it is still being processed (the letter, ed). Later, when it is finished, I will show it," he concluded.
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