JAKARTA - The Coordinator of the Indonesian Democratic Defenders Team (TPDI), Petrus Salestinus, assessed that the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) does not need to apologize to the PDIP General Chairperson, Megawati Soekarnoputri, for declaring PDIP cadre Ganjar, as a presidential candidate from PSI, "he said, in a statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, January 14. The reason is that in the AD and ART PDIP, the Political Party Law, nor the Election Law, it does prohibit a political party from nominating a candidate for president from another political party cadre or from an Indonesian citizen (WNI) who is not a cadre of a political party, and even opens the door to a coalition. Declaration of GP (Ganjar Pranowo), PDIP cadres as candidates for president 2024 by the PSI Party is legal, because it is part of the political education process," he said.

He reminded that the 1945 Constitution requires that a presidential or vice presidential candidate must be an Indonesian citizen from his birth and never receive another nationality because of his own will, never betray the state, and be able to physically and physically carry out his duties and obligations as president and vice president.. Therefore, it is not an obstacle for PSI or PAN or other political parties to recruit GPs to become presidential candidates outside the PDIP, "said Petrus.

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