JAKARTA - The NasDem Party, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), and the Democratic Party are still tug-of-war regarding the declaration of the Change Coalition.

The three political parties (political parties) have been arguing a lot about the vice presidential candidate (cawapres) to pair up with Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election.

It is known that PKS and Democrats have agreed that Anies, who is the future presidential candidate (readpres) for NasDem, will run in the upcoming elections. However, the three deadlines decided who Anies' assistant would be.

Recently, the Chairman of the NasDem DPP Effendy Choirie or Gus Choi actually mentioned that Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figures deserve to be considered as vice presidential candidates for Anies Baswedan.

However, PKS and Democrats revealed that the names of NU figures such as the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa and the daughter of the 4th president of the Republic of Indonesia Yenny Wahid, never appeared in the internal discussion of potential coalition partners related to vice presidential figures.

So that the two political parties continue to insist on proposing the names of their internal cadres.

Chairman of the Democratic Party's Cadreization and Membership Organization (BPOKK), Herman Khaeron, said that his party handed over the matter of determining the figure of the vice presidential candidate to the small team formed to be a 'Change Coalition', namely the NasDem Party, the Democratic Party, PKS.

However, he did not prohibit the emergence of discourse individually.

"We just entrust the conversation to the small team of representatives of each party, this coalition cannot stand alone. But individually, of course, it is legal to have a discourse, because in the end the coalition decision will be decided by the leaders of each party," said Herman, Friday, January 13.

Regarding whether the names of NU figures deserve to be considered internally, Herman considered that what was appropriate was AHY. AHY still insists on accompanying Anies because the son of the 6th president of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has the highest electability.

"In my opinion, what is appropriate is the Head of AHY because he has the highest electability, has a party network and structure and resources up to the level of the branch or unit of the community, as well as a millennial representation," said Herman.

Meanwhile, PKS spokesman Ahmad Mabruri assessed that the number of names included as Anies' cawapres proposal actually made better choices. Including, Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

"This is good (the name of Khofifah, ed), the more dynamic candidates. On the one hand, she already has a mass, is creative, Mrs. Khofifah is a woman," said Mabruri, Friday, January 13.

However, Mabruri still hopes that the senior PKS politician who is also the former Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan (Aher) will be Anies Baswedan's companion later. Moreover, said Mabruri, Aher has a qualified capacity.

"If the PKS is done, Kang Aher, it has been proven that the two terms led West Java successfully. We are still trying with Kang Aher, because in terms of capacity, okay, the problem is that the electoral is not good. We'll try later, the important thing is that all coalition parties are happy," he added.

Previously, Gus Choi said that until now there was no specific name that would accompany Anies Baswedan in the 2024 General Election.

However, there are several figures who deserve to be considered as Anies vice presidential candidates from among NU, one of which is Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

"Not yet, but the names that may be appropriate to consider being Anies' vice presidential candidate from among NU, for example, there is Khofifah, there is Saifullah Yusuf, there is Yenny Wahid, there is Gus Yasin," Gus Choi told reporters, Thursday, January 12.

Meanwhile, from the technocrats who have the potential to become Anies vice presidential candidates, according to him, is Ilham Akbar Habibie.

"From the technocrats, Ilham Habibie. So Ilham Habibie is also interesting," said Gus Choi.

However, Gus Choi stated, all proposals from potential coalition partners, namely PKS and Democrats who encouraged their respective figures to be accommodated and then chosen the best.

"It's okay (Demokrat AHY, PKS Aher), all proposals must be discussed together. In the end, anyone must be accepted as long as the vice president can boost the vote," said Gus Choi.

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