Three Golkar Party cadres registered to be related parties or plaintiffs of intervention in the judicial review of Law (UU) Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections at the Constitutional Court (MK).

"I became a lawyer for three Golkar cadres who will become legislative candidates regarding the article on an open proportional system that was requested by several parties to be returned to a closed proportional system," said plaintiff Heru Widodo's attorney at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Friday, January 13.

He mentioned that the petitioners were Derek Loupatty, Achmad Taufan Sudirjo and Marthinus Anthon Werimon. Heru said the applicants had an interest in the articles requested.

"The Petitioner feels that the open proportional system that has been in effect in the Election Law has been very appropriate and provides a sense of justice," he explained.

According to Heru, the petitioners assessed that the legislative elections should be the same directly elected by the people, such as the presidential and vice presidential elections.

"If the proportional system is closed, the people only choose the party. The provisions for who is a member of the legislature are with political parties," he said.

The three applicants or plaintiffs for the judicial review of Law Number 7/2017 concerning General Elections at the Constitutional Court are Derek Loupatty, a Golkar Party cadre who will contest as a legislative candidate in the 2024 General Election in the Maluku electoral district based on Order No: Sprin-108/DPP/GOLKAR/X/2022 dated October 31, 2022.

On the same order, the second applicant Achmad Taufan Sudirjo is a Golkar Party cadre who will contest the West Java IV electoral district, while Martinus Anthon Werimon is contesting the Papuan electoral district.

Then, in Case Testing Number 114/PUU-XX/2022, the articles requested for constitutional testing are article 168 paragraph (2), article 342 paragraph (2), article 353 paragraph (1) letter b, article 386 paragraph (2) letter b, article 420 letter c and d, article 422, article 426 paragraph (3) Law 7 of 2017. One of the goals is to request the cancellation of the implementation of an open proportional system in the 2024 General Election.

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