SUMBAR - The West Pasaman District Attorney's Office (Kejari) detained five suspects from elements of businessmen related to the alleged construction of the local Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for the 2018-2020 fiscal year. Head of the West Pasaman Kejari Ginanjar Cahya Permana said the five suspects were each AJJ, MAP, DYM, BG and CP. They were detained by his party on Thursday 12 January evening. "They are businessmen from Manado. After being named as suspects today we immediately detained and deposited them in the West Pasaman Police detention house. Thus, 16 people have been named suspects in that case," he said at Simpang Empat, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Thursday 12 January. He mentioned that the determination of the suspects against the five people began with PT MAM Energindo as the winner of the RSUD tender with a contract value of Rp. 134,859,961,000. Then, PT MAM Energindo as the winner sold the project to the perpetrators who had just been detained worth Rp102 billion. "The perpetrators did not work on the project according to the spec or images, so according to expert calculations, the loss is around Rp20 billion," he said.

He emphasized that this is evidence of the seriousness of the West Pasaman Kejari to fully reveal the perpetrators who violated the rules in the activity. "For whoever the perpetrators are, we will act if they violate the law. The loss of Rp20 billion is a physical loss in addition to bribery gratuities worth Rp 4.5 billion," he said. Currently, he said, there have been seven suspects who have been transferred from investigators to the Public Prosecutor (JPU) and confiscated from gratuity bribes worth more than Rp5, 7 billion. The suspect is a Commitment Making Officer (PPK) with the initials NI, liaison or a third party with the initials HAM, Director MAM Energindo's initials AA, the use of activity budgets or former Director of RSUD who is also the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) initials Y, BS, HW and the Director of Construction Management initials MY. Then four US committees, LA, TA and YE. Of the 11 suspects 10 people were detained and deposited at the West Pasaman Police Detention Center. Meanwhile, one suspect's initials BS was released or received medical treatment because of illness. He explained that in the mega project case, allegations of bribery worth Rp. 4.5 billion were also found, the construction loss was worth more than Rp. 20 billion and also found losses in his planning.

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