JAKARTA - Chairman of the Gerindra Party Honorary Council, Habiburokhman, revealed the contents of the conversation in the meeting between the Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Board of Trustees Sandiaga Uno and the General Chair, Prabowo Subianto.
Sandiaga had previously intended to meet Prabowo to explain the issue of him joining the United Development Party (PPP). The meeting took place at Prabowo's residence on Jalan Kertanegara 4, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, on Tuesday, January 10, evening.
Habiburokhman said Sandiaga stated that he was obedient to the party's decision and supported Prabowo's presidential election in 2024.
"During the meeting, Brother Sandiaga emphasized his obedience and loyalty to the party's decision, and supported Pak Prabowo Subianto's candidacy as a presidential candidate in the 2024 General Election," Habiburokhman told reporters, Thursday, January 12.
The member of the DPR reminded that the Gerindra Party's national leadership meeting (Rapimnas) which was held last August had decided and declared Prabowo as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. This decision must be obeyed by Gerindra cadres throughout Indonesia.
"We emphasize that the Gerindra Party presidential candidate is Pak Prabowo, as decided together in the 2022 National Rapimnas which absorbs the aspirations of all cadres. Starting from the levels of DPP, DPD, DPC, PAC to the following branches of the party body and wing," said Habiburokhman.
It is known that Sandiaga and Prabowo's meeting was revealed through a photo on the upload of the personal Instagram account @sandiuno on Wednesday, January 11. In the post, Sandiaga gave Prabowo a book related to his journey during the 2019 presidential election campaign.
"Thank you Mr. @prabowo for accepting the book 1500 Inspiration: Explore Sandiaga Uno. This book is a travel record during the 2019 presidential election campaign," Sandiaga wrote as quoted on Thursday, January 12.
In the photo caption, the Menparekraf also admitted that he was sure that every note in the book would give encouragement in the best contribution to this country.
"It is our guide to focus on our goal of creating the widest possible employment opportunities, accelerating economic recovery, and realizing an Indonesia with a taoyyibatun baltun wa robbun ghofur," Sandiaga wrote again.
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