JAKARTA - The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) did not surprise by announcing the name of the presidential candidate (candidate) at the 50th anniversary yesterday.
In fact, PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri will also not declare the PDIP presidential candidate on June 1.
Does Megawati deliberately keep the name of the PDIP presidential candidate in her pocket because she doesn't want to be targeted for shooting?
A political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Ujang Komarudin, said Megawati would not be careless by announcing the name of the PDIP presidential candidate from an early age.
Because, if PDIP announced Ganjar Pranowo or Puan Maharani yesterday, then PDIP could be 'employed' by other political parties.
"Because if it is announced early on, Puan or Ganjar tends to be prosecuted by political opponents," Ujang told VOI, Wednesday, January 11.
Ujang then mentioned NasDem who declared Anies Baswedan earlier. Until now, Anies has actually received a 'expression' from his political opponents.
"For example, for example, NasDem announced Anies in the last 3 October, in the context of democracy it is good so that the public understands the vision and mission of Anies' idea program, but at the same time, in our political conception it is easy to ignore, easy to destroy by political opponents, the proof is that until today Anies has not got a partner and the coalition has not yet received a 20 percent ticket," explained Ujang.
So, according to Ujang, PDIP will always play in last minutes or at the end of registration to the General Elections Commission (KPU) so that political opponents cannot read the bull party's steps early.
"Therefore, PDIP knows and understands very well that it will be announced long ago that it will face the risk of dismantling, beating and decaying political opponents. So waiting for the right momentum, the momentum can be on June 1, before registration in August or September 2023," he explained.
Moreover, continued the Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review (IPR), all political parties and coalitions have not announced the names of their presidential candidates. For example, the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) consisting of Golkar, PAN, and PPP. Then, the Gerindra-PKB coalition, as well as PKS and Democrats who also do not yet have a coalition.
"So everything is the same, KIB has not announced who the presidential candidate is, and it will be announced at the end of waiting for who the political opponent is. Gerindra and PKB have not yet, as well as NasDem have but have not yet received coalition friends, all are waiting at the end, waiting for the political opponent who is the vice presidential candidate to read it easily," explained Ujang.
"For example, the 2019 Presidential Election, Jokowi will choose Mahfud MD, but because the opponent is UAS and Salim Segaf, Jokowi's Islamic group is also attacked by Islamic issues, Ma'ruf Amin has raised it. So at the end it always changes," he added.
Ujang suspects that the pattern of announcement of PDIP presidential candidates will be similar to the 2019 presidential election.
"Only the momentum of PDIP, namely June 1, or the momentum is approaching the registration of presidential candidates in September," he concluded.
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