JAKARTA Anticipating the rise of fake news or hoaxes in the political year ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres), a number of social media platforms received strict supervision from various institutions and institutions, such as the Police, KPU, Bawaslu, the Press Council and PWI.

It is undeniable that entering the political year there will be a lot of information in the general public from various lines. Therefore, so that the public gets the right information, the Police, who have coordinated with a number of stakeholders, have prepared the Mantama Brata code operation.

"The National Police has prepared a security operation for the 2024 General Election codenamed Mantap Brata Operation," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo at the press council office, Kebon Siri, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, January 10.

Dedi said, based on research from Kominfo, before entering the political year, the spread of fake news or hoaxes was increasing on social media.

He also hopes that this meeting between stakeholders will be held routinely to discuss preparations for securing the 2024 General Election so that it runs safely and smoothly.

"It is hoped that this meeting will not stop here and can provide education to the public," he said.

Dedi said that his party would hold a hybrid meeting with 34 Regional Police to discuss educational steps to the public so that they could filter information ahead of the election.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the Press Council M Agung Dharmajaya said, in preparation for the 2024 General Election, his party had carried out the signing of the MoU with Bawaslu related to cases of press disputes.

Member of the Press Council, Yadi Hendriana, said that his party had prepared 20 people who were members of the complaint team in preparation for the 2024 election, with a projection of 1,500 complaints in 2023.

"It was just released that Twitter will be tighter in terms of supervision, but it is anticipated regarding the transfer of news on Instagram and TikTok," he said.

From the KPI through its Deputy Chair, Mulyo Hadi Purnomo said, ahead of the 2024 General Election, there will be many digital TVs that will be present and are not fully under the supervision of KPI.

"A plenary meeting has been held and has been discussed regarding the digital TV monitoring budget that will broadcast the election stages," he said.

KPI will also provide socialization to KPID to collaborate with KPU and Bawaslu to prevent broadcasting that can disrupt the safety and smooth running of the election.

The KPU representative, Dohardo Pakpahan, hopes that the media will participate in guarding and not impacting other agencies ahead of the 2024 election. Agreements or MoUs have also been made and it is hoped that synergy will occur in realizing a peaceful and cool 2024 election.

From Bawaslu, he said that his party would discuss anticipating a campaign to steal start and be outside the schedule. This is done so that there is no friction.

In addition, Bawaslu has also coordinated with the Kominfo to regulate the number of digital media.

KPI representative, Nurjaman Mochtar said, the current phenomenon on social media is that content is replied to with content. For this reason, KPI asks the Press Council to make laws related to social media or press council regulations for those broadcasting in other broadcasts.

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