JAKARTA - Realization of the DKI Regional Budget for the 2022 fiscal year including revenue does not reach 100 percent. Member of Commission C of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Eneng Malianasari, asked the DKI Provincial Government to improve using regional assets to increase revenue.

Actually, said Eneng, many assets belonging to the DKI Provincial Government were neglected. The government was also asked to take an inventory of assets that could potentially be maximized as a source of regional income.

"Actually, DKI's challenges are still around utilizing assets because the assets have not been completely explored. For example, DKI has 100 assets. Well, of the 100 assets, what percentage has been maximized," Eneng told reporters, Monday, January 9.

According to Eneng, the assets that can be utilized consist of assets managed by the DKI Provincial Government and those currently controlled by the private sector as developers. From asset inventory, the Provincial Government can determine which assets can be maximized to lease back.

"There are liquid assets managed by third or fourth parties and the assets should not be left dead. It should not be abandoned. If we know that building A, for example, was abandoned, why not just rent it out? That could be income too. The maximum is also taking social-fasum facilities from existing developers," he explained.

On the other hand, Eneng admitted that so far Commission C of the DKI DPRD does not know the exact data regarding assets that have the potential to be utilized. This is because the DKI Provincial Government is not transparent in explaining the use of all these assets.

"The DPRD has asked for data disclosure regarding the use of assets and how many assets, but it has not been responded to with a positive response," he said.

For information, the realization of regional revenue as of December 31, 2022, reached IDR 67.3 trillion or 86.56 percent of the target of IDR 77.8 trillion. Meanwhile, the realization of regional spending as of December 31, 2022, was absorbed by IDR 64.9 trillion or 84.32 percent of the budget of IDR 76.9 trillion.

The realization of 2022's revenue increased by IDR 1.8 trillion compared to the realization in 2021 which amounted to IDR 65.6 trillion. The realization of spending also increased by IDR 3.3 trillion compared to the realization of regional spending in 2021 which was absorbed by IDR 61.6 trillion.

This figure has indeed increased from last year. However, the absorption of revenue and expenditure realization still does not touch the target, or at least above 90 percent.

In detail, regional income posts that reached Rp. 67.3 trillion consist of: a. Regional revenue (PAD) derived from regional taxes (Rp40.3 trillion), regional retribution income (Rp376.4 billion), revenue from separated regional wealth management (Rp402.4 billion), and other legitimate PAD income (Rp4.6 trillion). b. Central government transfer income reached Rp18.9 trillion.c. Other legitimate income reached Rp2.8 trillion.

Meanwhile, regional expenditure items that reached Rp64.9 trillion consisted of: a. Operating expenditures derived from personnel expenditures (Rp17.7 trillion), goods and services expenditures (Rp23.6 trillion), interest expenditures (Rp270.6 billion), subsidy expenditures (Rp6.3 trillion), Grant Expenditures (Rp2.7 trillion), and social assistance expenditures (Rp5.04 trillion).b. Capital expenditures reached Rp8.8 trillion.c. Unexpected expenditures reached Rp67.8 billion.d. Transfer expenditures in the form of financial assistance reached Rp484.8 billion.

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