As many as three main transmission pipeline points for the Jayapura Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) on the Kojabu line experienced a shift. This condition was caused by an earthquake that recently took place. "With the earthquake that occurred during the week, the main transmission pipeline with a diameter of 400 millimeters (mm) experienced a shift so that the water pressure became small," said PDAM Director Jayapura Entis Sutisna, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 9.

The three pipe points belonging to PDAM that experienced a shift due to the earthquake were on Kelapa Dua Entrop road, the Polsek area in Jayapura, and South Jayapura. "For that we apologize, during the repair of the pipe, the water was turned off, in order to smooth the work" he said.

He added, based on the results of monitoring the engineering team in the field, it shows that there are services that continue to run normally, where the Kojabu route supplying the Abepura, North Jayapura, and South Jayapura areas can still be utilized. "But the water pressure that enters the homes of small customers is not as usual," he said.

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