JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) asks parents to prioritize providing nutritious food to their children, rather than hawker products whose safety is not guaranteed when consumed.

Head of the Communication and Public Service Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, appealed to parents to be careful in providing food for their children.

"Especially because these children are still in growth so that nutritious healthy food is prioritized from snacks," said Siti in Jakarta, Sunday, January 8, quoted by Antara.

According to Nadia, the incident of poisoned victims of Chiki Ngebul snacks or which is popular abbreviated as Cikbul in West Java (West Java) needs to be an important lesson for parents.

Behind its popularity, the snacks that use liquid nitrogen have caused 28 children in West Java to be poisoned after eating the Chiki Ngebul food containing liquid nitrogen.

"Currently, all patients are healthy, because this is what happened in Tasik in November 2022 and in Bekasi on December 21, 2022. Yesterday I received a report that all patients were healthy," he said.

Nadia said that it is necessary to educate parents in providing food intake to their children. "It is also necessary to educate parents, that giving food to children should be nutritious and processed in a standard way, not eating carelessly," he said.

In addition, intensive efforts are also needed in monitoring food circulation in all regions. "We have opened a report channel for people who have experienced poisoning due to Chiki Ngebul snacks," said Nadia.

The report channel is through the box number of the Other Referral Health Service Team at 088215992763 or via health service email. Other recommendations @gmail.com.

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