Commission III of the West Sumatra DPRD (West Sumatra) will cooperate with the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK RI) to conduct an audit of the management investigation of the Novotel Hotel which is a collaboration with Build Over Transfer (BOT) or build a handover with the West Sumatra Regional Government (Pemda). West Sumatra DPRD Commission III chairman Ali Tanjung said PT Graha Citrawisata Director Dedi Sjahrir Panigoro had been summoned twice by Commission III of the West Sumatra DPRD, but had never been cooperative in fulfilling the invitation of the regional representative council. "He has been summoned twice. He has been working with the West Sumatra Provincial Government (Pemprov) for almost 30 years to build hotels using the land assets of the West Sumatra Regional Government. So far, the report continues to lose, so we want to explore, " he said in Padang, quoted from Antara, Sunday, January 8. The DPRD, he continued, has the task of overseeing the use of assets belonging to the West Sumatra Regional Government. "“ This is a big problem because the assets managed are large, tens or even hundreds of billions. Meanwhile, in our opinion, contributions to local governments do not make sense. How come IDR 200 million a year. Meanwhile, the balance of gratitude to us is a turnover of IDR 30 billion in 2020. So that's what we want to explore, what's the problem with turnover of IDR 30 billion, how come the profit can only be that much, "he said. Commission III of the West Sumatra DPRD suspects that there is information covered up. The first summons, he did not tell but sent someone, namely the commissioner and management. "The second call we convey, cannot be represented because other management does not have the authority as it is. It means that he covered up information about his name. He as a director should have the authority to provide information, "said Ali Tanjung. Therefore, his party will ask the BPK to conduct an investigative audit if Dedi Panigoro is not present at the third summons. The Novotel Hotel, he said, is an asset of the West Sumatra Regional Government. "Later, after the third summons, we will make an official letter to the BPK. Many assets in West Sumatra are managed carelessly so that they do not bring profits to local governments as asset owners. We will investigate why this happened in the past? Are there other elements, are there games or intentional or negligence. That's what we want to explore, "he said. Previously, Commission III of the West Sumatra DPRD had invited PT Graha Citrawi as the manager of the Novotel Bukittinggi Hotel, but those present were commissioners and managers. Then the second summons was planned to be held last Friday but Dedi Panigoro was unable to come due to illness.

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