JAKARTA - The Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, said that the Ministry of Religion is ready to facilitate dialogue spaces between religious believers in the event of disputes related to religious teachings in the community.

"If there are disputes related to religious teachings, the Ministry of Religion is ready to facilitate dialogue spaces," said Gus Yaqut, written by Antara, Friday, December 25.

Therefore, Gus Yaqut hopes that there will be no more persecution of citizens because of their beliefs or teachings, including towards Shia and Ahmadiyah followers.

"As citizens they should not be persecuted. This country is a state of law. If they are guilty legally, yes, on trial, not persecuted," said Gus Yaqut.

The Minister of Religion emphasized that the Indonesian constitution guarantees the protection of all citizens.

"As citizens, they must be protected as long as they are not involved in a rebellion. Not because of their teachings," said Gus Yaqut.

He again emphasized the importance of creating peaceful relations between religious believers. For that, continued Yaqut, it is very important to make religion an inspiration, not an aspiration.

"Religion is an inspiration, not an aspiration. An inspiration for peace between believers, interfaith interaction. In the end, it is definitely kindness, peace, love," he said.

Meanwhile, when he was asked about the Joint Decree of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Home Affairs Number 9 and 8 of 2006 which is said to limit the construction of places of worship, Gus Yaqut said he would read and study it.

"I have to read first. I have only been in for two days, sir. But surely I will learn in the near future," he said.

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