JAKARTA - Borobudur Temple will implement a zoning system in their area. So the use of Borobudur is more organized for conservation, spiritual, educational, and from a commercial perspective.

President Director of PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko (TWC) Edy Setijono said that this implementation would make inter-interests more orderly, especially regarding the route used.

"So, tomorrow there will be no more collisions because we have rearranged the route. They have their own location. If there is a spiritual activity, the location must be there," Edy said in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday, January 7, quoted from Antara.

It is still designing and communicating with all relevant stakeholders. There must be harmony between stakeholders because the system will be implemented for the common good.

TWC also provides space for the Borobudur Temple for public use. No one party makes a special claim.

Moreover, this has also been stated in the agreement of four ministers and two governors to make Borobudur Temple the center of Indonesian and world Buddhism.

"We are still making this (Borobudur Temple) for the existing function. But with a certain priority scale," said Edy.

He targets the zoning system to be implemented in 2023. Currently TWC is in the middle of compiling the rules and mechanisms. Once completed, continued Edy, the next stage was to present the results of the study and examine them.

Meanwhile, the Director General for Buddhist Community Guidance (Bimas) at the Ministry of Religion, Supriyadi, said that the study had to be decided jointly because it involved several institutions. So that it still requires in-depth studies, including the matter of the use of Borobudur Temple. The government also agreed, Borobudur Temple must be preserved.

"From the memorandum of understanding, there is already an SOP. We'll try to discuss it later. Hopefully there will be the best solution for Buddhists and the government," said Supriyadi.

That way, there will be a meeting point between the use of the temple for spiritual activities, conservation, education, and commercial.

"Because in the Cultural Heritage Law, one of the uses of the Borobudur Temple is for religious purposes," said Supriyadi.

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