JAKARTA - Britain and the European Union finally agreed to continue free trade despite Brexit. This agreement was welcomed by the British Prime Minister (PM), Boris Johnson and various European leaders towards the end of 2020. The long negotiations between the two parties seem to have a happy ending.

Launching The Guardian, Friday, December 25, in the 2,000-page agreement, Britain and 27 European Union members will continue trade without tariffs or quotas. Even so, Britain will completely separate from the European Union as of January 1, 2021.

"The deal is complete. Everything that the British public promised during the 2016 referendum and last year's general election was conveyed by this agreement, ”said one of the agreement's spokesmen.

“We have taken back control of our money, borders, law, trade and fishing waters. The deal is great news for families and businesses in every part of Great Britain. We have signed the first free trade agreement based on zero tariffs and quotas ever reached, "he added.

Meanwhile, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen said he was happy with the happy end of Brexit tensions. He considered the separation of the European Union with Britain the sweetest sadness. Moreover, with the signing of the agreement.

“It is a long and winding road, but we have a lot to show. This is fair. This is a balanced deal. And that is the right and responsible thing for both parties to do. At the end of a successful negotiation, I usually feel joy. But today I just felt calm satisfaction and, to be honest, relieved, "said Ursula.

“I know it is a difficult day for some people and for our friends in Great Britain I want to say goodbye is sweet sadness but, to use the line from (the poet) TS Eliot, what we call beginning is often the end. And to end it is often the beginning. So, for all Europeans, I think it's time to leave Brexit, "he said.

As for the British spokesperson, the agreement will ensure that Britain is no longer bound by EU regulations, nor does it play a role for European courts. Which, the red line of the agreement is to restore achieved British sovereignty.

"It means that we will have full political and economic independence by January 1, 2021. The points-based immigration system will put us in full control of who enters Britain and free movement will end. We have sent a lot of this throughout the UK in a short period of time, and under very challenging conditions, which protect the integrity of our internal market and Northern Ireland's position within it, "said the spokesperson.

"We have completed Brexit and now we can take full advantage of the fantastic opportunities available to us as an independent trading nation, reaching trade deals with other partners around the world," said a British spokesman.

Earlier, British PM Boris had told his cabinet on Wednesday night that the agreement respects the sovereignty of both parties. In that instant, he had urged senior figures to support him.

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