JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested a sports teacher with the initials AM. The 32-year-old man is suspected of having committed sexual crimes against his student for three years.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Audie S Latuheru said that the perpetrator of AM committed the sexual crime since the victim was in grade VII SMP.

"This has been done since the victim was 13 years old. Now the victim is 16 years old, ”said Audie in Jakarta, Friday, December 25.

The perpetrator of AM approached the victim by buying gifts, taking walks, and eating to deceive the victim.

"The victim was tricked into having intercourse at the hotel and in the perpetrator's boarding house," said Audie.

He committed this sexual crime since 2018, until it was finally revealed at the end of 2020.

On December 7, 2020, the perpetrator of AM last took the victim to a hotel in the Grogol Petamburan area, West Jakarta. While committing sexual crimes against the child, the perpetrator uses contraceptives.

After leaving the hotel, the victim's mother, who finally found out about her daughter's situation, reported this to the police, and arrested her.

The perpetrator was charged under Article 81 UURI number 17 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to UURI number 33 of 2002 concerning child protection with a minimum threat of 15 years in prison.

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