JAKARTA - Singapore reports that it has discovered a new variant of COVID-19 which first appeared in the UK. This was conveyed directly by the Singapore Ministry of Health.

The patient is a 17 year old girl who has studied in England. The 17-year-old Singaporean girl infected with the new variant of the coronavirus has been studying in Britain since August.

He returned to Singapore on 6 December and received notification of self-isolation upon arrival. He had a fever the next day and was confirmed positive for COVID-19 on December 8. All of his close contacts have been quarantined and tested negative by the end of their quarantine.

"Since he was isolated upon arrival in Singapore, we were able to fence off this case so that no further transmission could arise from him," said Singapore's Ministry of Health.

Quoting the Straits Times, Friday, December 25, the Singapore Ministry of Health said that the Singapore National Public Health Laboratory had researched a new variant of the corona virus that was spreading in the UK. The research team is conducting viral genome sequencing for confirmed cases of COVID-19 that arrived from Europe recently.

A total of 31 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore came from Europe. People from Europe who arrived in Singapore between November 17 and December 17, were confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 this month. Of them, 12 were not infected with the new strain and one person was known to carry the strain. Singapore's Ministry of Health said there was currently no evidence that a new variant of the coronavirus had spread in society.

"All cases have been placed on stay-at-home notice for 14 days in special facilities or isolated upon arrival in Singapore, and their close contacts have been previously quarantined," he added.

As a precautionary measure to reduce the risk of the spread of a new variant of the coronavirus to Singapore, a multi-ministerial task force immediately created rules to combat COVID-19. They announce that all long term pass holders and short term visitors with travel history to Singapore. The UK in the past 14 days will not be allowed to enter or transit through Singapore. Meanwhile, Singaporeans and permanent residents returning from the UK must undergo a COVID-19 test upon arrival in Singapore.

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