JAKARTA - PT Transport Jakarta (TransJakarta), inaugurated the Jatinegara 2 bus stop in East Jakarta after being revitalized several months ago.

President Director of PT TransJakarta, Mochammad Yana Aditya, said that the Jatinegara 2 bus stop is currently integrated directly with the Jatinegara Railway Station (KA).

"This is the first integration stop that we inaugurate, then Cawang, Cikoko, then Juanda and Matraman," said Mochammad Yana Aditya in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 4, quoted from Antara.

The process of revitalizing the bus stop took about eight months.

The Jatinegara 2 bus stop is currently equipped with prayer rooms, toilets, disabled toilets, elevators, commercial areas, "vending machines", "Pasengger Information System" (PIS) to Wi-Fi screens.

Yana explained, before the revitalization of the Jatinegara 2 Stop, it could only accommodate 164 people at normal hours and 328 people during peak hours.

"After being rebuilt and revitalized, the capacity has increased, for normal hours to 600 people, at 12.00 peak hour," Yana said.

It is hoped that with the revitalization of the Jatinegara 2 bus stop which has been integrated with the Jatinegara train station, it can further facilitate and encourage public interest in using public transportation.

"This is part of our efforts to integrate and synergize existing transportation," said Yana.

President Director of PT KAI, Didiek Hartantyo welcomed the integration of the TransJakarta Bus Stop and the train station. He hopes that in the future more train stations will also be integrated with other public transportation modes.

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