The flood is still inundating under the Muktiharjo toll bridge or to be precise Jalan Raya Kaligawe Semarang, Central Java (Central Java), Tuesday, January 3.

Small vehicles are still prohibited from crossing the North Coast (Pantura) route of Central Java which connects Semarang City to Demak, Kudus and Jepara.

"For large vehicles that pass, small vehicles are advised not to pass temporarily," said Genuk Police Chief Kompol. Ris Andrian, confiscated from Antara, Tuesday, January 3.

Although the appeal to be prohibited from crossing has been conveyed, a number of small vehicles are still desperate to break through the flood. As a result, many experienced a strike.

Andrian said a small vehicle from Semarang that will go to the Demak area and vice versa is advised to pass through the Genuk intersection which leads to Wolter Monginsidi Street.

Based on observations in the field, the flood still inundated under the Muktiharjo toll bridge about 1 meter. Only large trucks are allowed through this route.

At the flood point, a water pump has been operated to reduce inundation.

Previously, extreme weather in the form of heavy rain accompanied by strong winds hit the Semarang City area and its surroundings from 30-31 December 2022.

The rain that has flushed since that period has resulted in floods and landslides at a number of points in the capital city of Central Java.

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