SEMARANG - The National Disaster Management Agency, the Geophysics and Climatology Meteorology Agency, the National Research and Innovation Agency, the Indonesian Air Force, and the Central Java Provincial Government have modified the weather in Semarang City and its surroundings to prevent flooding due to the high intensity of rain. "We have carried out weather modifications starting yesterday," said Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati after attending the 2023 Central Java Provincial Level Disaster Management Coordination Meeting in Semarang, Antara, Monday, January 2. He explained that the modification of the weather is one of the efforts to break or reduce the intensity of rain so that it does not have the potential for flooding. According to him, the Central Java region still has the potential to experience moderate and heavy rain in several districts that are widespread in mountainous areas and have the potential for landslides and flooding on land. " “ Hujan in Semarang has weakened its intensity, but it is necessary to watch out for strong winds with speeds of 35 knots or about 60 kilometers per hour, as well as high waves on the southern coast of Java which reached 3-4 meters in the next few days," he said. Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. Suharyanto added that the weather modifications will be carried out until the weather is under control. “ West Java yesterday on December 25, 2022 to January 3, 2023 or 10 days, Central Java has been carried out since yesterday, yesterday it was good that there was a rain of rhythm, ” he said. Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that to this day the flood management rate in the region is good, especially since the handling starts from upstream with weather modification technology. "Thank God yesterday I managed to report it to the head of BNPB and BMKG, thank God, thank you very much for being helped because it was a deal," he said. The number one person in Central Java also appealed to residents to remain alert to the weather by paying attention to information from the BMKG because strong winds still have potential and are dangerous, including tidal alert due to the full moon. Floods hit the city of Semarang and several districts/cities on the north coast of Java due to bad weather, namely the high intensity of rain that has occurred since Friday, December 30.

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