JAKARTA - Denpasar City Police (Polresta) officers investigated the alleged murder of a woman with the initials AS (26) on New Year's Eve 2023 in Denpasar, Bali.

Head of the Denpasar Police Public Relations Section Iptu I Ketut Sukadi in Denpasar, Bali, Sunday said the murder occurred at around 19.30 WITA in a boarding room on Jalan Tukad Batang Hari I No. 1, Panjer Village, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City.

"The perpetrator's mode was by tying the victim's neck with a roller cable, resulting in the victim's death," Sukadi said as quoted by Antara.

In addition, officers are still looking for the whereabouts of the victim's belongings in the form of two iPhone 11 cellphones, 6S iPhones and the identity of the victim.

According to the testimony of a witness, on Saturday, December 31, 2022, the witness came to the scene and witnessed that the place was already crowded with residents.

A lockman tried to open a locked door from the outside and after the door was opened, the victim was seen lying naked with his neck tied with a roller cable and his tongue sticking out.

When it was first found, the victim's head was facing to the east, his legs to the west were bent. Also a towel on the black gray waist, as well as a black shirt on the victim's neck.

After seeing the incident, the witness reported to the South Denpasar Sector Police. After receiving the report, officers went to the scene of the case and secured a number of evidences found at the location.

According to Sukadi, his party will examine witnesses, conduct post-mortem and autopsy, and check CCTV around the crime scene.

The items found by the police at the scene of the crime were a pack of Marlboro cigarettes, the victim's clothes, a bag containing make-up and condoms, a watch and ring of the victim.

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