In 2022, The Riau Police Will Fail To Circulate 745 Kilograms Of Crystal Methamphetamine, 478 Thousand Extinction Pills, And 134 Kilograms Of Marijuana
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - The Riau Regional Police (Polda) and ranks throughout 2022 thwarted the circulation of 745.16 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 478,623 ecstasy pills, 134.53 kg of marijuana, and 3,282 happy five pills.

"Riau Police and ranks managed to uncover 1,869 drug cases with a total of 2,768 suspects," said Riau Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Mohammad Iqbal in a year-end press conference in Pekanbaru, quoted from Antara, Saturday, December 31.

The disclosure of these drug cases, he said, increased when compared to last year's 266 cases or 14.2 percent. The number of suspects arrested also increased by 420 people or 15.2 percent

For the performance of the Directorate of Narcotics and Drug Investigation, the Riau Police gave awards to the director. Unmitigated in the category of Best Chief Officials was achieved by the Director of Drug Investigation at the Riau Police, Kombes Pol. Yos Guntur for his achievements in uncovering narcotics cases throughout 2022.

Ditres Narkoba juga dinilai inovasi dengan meluncurkan aplikasi bernama 'Sikat' Narkoba. Satuan kerja ini capaian serapan anggarannya mencapai 100 persen, dan berhasil membangun hubungan baik dengan para pemangku kepentingan terkait.

The leadership aspect of Kombes Pol. Yos Guntur is also recognized by all team directorates and regional units. He actively gives awards to personnel who are considered good at carrying out their duties in the field, especially to members of the Riau Police's Narcotics Directorate.

"Riau Police cannot work optimally in 2022 without the help of the ranks. We express our gratitude and highest appreciation," said Inspector General Pol. Iqbal.

He revealed that the police work is also far from perfect. Therefore, the Riau Police need the help and support of all parties in order to keep Bumi Lancang Kuning safe and conducive.

"I apologize for the shortcomings that exist. In 2022 there will be many achievements. When compared to 2021, this year the number of security disturbances has decreased considerably, including forest and land fires which also decreased significantly by 75 percent," he said.

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