JAKARTA - The Vatican has written to Roman Catholics regarding permission to use the COVID-19 vaccine made from aborted fetal cell tissue. It is a congregation of the doctrine of the Catholic faith which in its attitude permits the use of such things as long as there is no other alternative.

The Vatican authorities also affirmed the issuance of permits on the basis of different levels of responsibility for cooperation in crime. In that sense, because a pandemic is a big danger, a vaccine made from fetal cell tissue resulting from the abortion can be used.

“Can be used with good conscience with the certain knowledge that (it) is not a formal partnership with abortion. That is, the cells used in vaccine production come from, "the Vatican notes.

The Conference of Catholic Bishops of the United States (US) or USCCB said that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are related to fetal cells resulting from abortion. The US bishop said the vaccine took two fetal cells from abortions in the 1960s and 1970s, which were then replicated thereafter.

However, due to different circumstances, the Vatican authorities allowed. Moreover, the use of vaccines is considered urgent as the number of COVID-19 transmission increases.

"It is morally acceptable to receive a COVID-19 vaccine that uses a cell line from an aborted fetus in the process of research and production."

Not only that. The Vatican note also states that although the use of vaccines is voluntary, the kindness of recommending vaccinations to others, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed, is needed.

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