NTB - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) estimates that the temperature on New Year's Eve 2023 at the foot of Mount Rinjani ranges from 18-25 degrees.

The weather on the mountain, which is located in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) on New Year's Eve 2023, is predicted to experience heavy rain accompanied by strong winds.

"Residents who are going on vacation are expected to remain vigilant and prepare the necessary equipment," said BMKG forecaster Zaenudin Abdul Majid Lombok, Duty Aprilia Mustika Dewi in a written statement, Friday, December 30.

Furthermore, Duty said that the foot of Mount Rijani in the morning was cloudy to light rain, afternoon and evening light rain to heavy rain.

Meanwhile, wind speeds blowing from west to north with a maximum speed of 38 kilometers per hour. "At night until early morning the weather is predicted to rain light to moderate rain," he added, confiscated by Antara.

BMKG also issued an early weather warning, residents are expected to be aware of the potential for increased wind speed in the NTB area.

In addition, BMKG asked to be aware of the potential for moderate to heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning or strong winds in Mataram, West Lombok, Lombok, North Lombok, East Lombok, Central Lombok, West Sumbawa, Sumbawa, Dompu, Bima and Bima City.

"Rain is predicted to occur in the morning until early morning," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) closed the climb of Mount Rinjani from January 1 to March 31, 2023. The closure was carried out due to extreme weather conditions that endangered the safety of life in the area.

Head of the Mount Rinjani National Park Office (BTNGR) Dedy Asriady said the closure of the hiking trail was in the context of ecosystem recovery in the Mount Rinjani National Park area.

He said all climbing tourist destinations of Mount Rinjani National Park include the Senaru and Torean climbing tourist routes in North Lombok Regency, the Sembalun, Timbanuh, and Tetebatu hiking trails in East Lombok Regency, as well as the Aik Berik hiking trail in Central Lombok Regency.

"Visitors who will carry out climbing activities on December 31, 2022, are required to immediately check out a maximum on January 3, 2023 at each climbing door," he said in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, December 27.

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