President Joko Widodo revealed his reason for choosing Admiral Muhammad Ali as Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) to replace Admiral Yudo Margono, who is now the TNI Commander.

Jokowi views Ali's track record since graduating from the Naval Academy (AAL) in 1989 as being able to hold the leadership baton in the Indonesian Navy.

"I always look at the track record. He was once at the Governor of the Naval Academy, ever in Pangkoarmada (Community of the Indonesian Fleet Command), once at Pangkogabwilhan (Community Command Joint Defense Areas). I've always seen this track record experience," said Jokowi after inaugurating the KSAL at the State Palace in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 28.

Jokowi said Ali also had a good leadership spirit so that he could improve the professionalism of Indonesian Navy soldiers. "And he has a good leadership," he said.

In addition, Jokowi also left a message that Ali maintains the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia in border areas related to the waters.

"I convey the border related to the border. Mainly the sea is not a land border, a border related to the sea," he said.

Ali was inaugurated as KSAL by President Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 28, at 09.30 WIB.

A number of ministers and invitees attended this activity. These include Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono, and National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

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