CILACAP Dokkes Polresta Cilacap conducts urine and health checks for bus drivers and crew in the context of the Christmas and New Year 2023 holidays at the Cilacap Bus Terminal.

This activity was carried out by the Cilacap Police Dokkes together with the Cilacap District Health Office, the Transportation Service and also the Cilacap Regency BNN.

Head of Public Relations of the Cilacap Police, Iptu Gatot Tri Hartanto, explained that this activity was carried out to ensure that the bus crew traveled in a healthy body.

In addition to healthy bodies, this activity also aims to ensure that all are free from drugs and liquor.

This 2023 Christmas and New Year holidays experienced a surge in the number of passengers. With the government regulations related to COVID, they have been released. With this, the government must remain vigilant regarding health in the community.

The results of the examination that had been carried out, there were dozens of drivers and crew who said they were not in good condition. However, after a urine check, no driver was found involved in drugs," said Gatot in a written statement, Wednesday, December 28.

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