TANGERANG - The convection of a female robe and a house living in Gempol Kampung with a sari RT003/004, East Prassia was burned down. The Head of Emergency and Logistics for BPBD Tangerang Regency, Abdul Munir, said that his party received a report on Wednesday, December 28, at 03.00 WIB.

"Earlier, based on the factory owner, the loss reached 3 billion," said Munir when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 28.

Munir explained that the incident began when workers rested out at 02.00 WIB. But upon arrival they returned, the factory was on fire.

Munir suspected that the cause of the fire was because the iron engine exploded.

"Temporary allegations from local residents, there was an explosion of an iron engine. The witness said it caught fire at 02.30 WIB. But it was only reported at 03.00 WIB. So it was half an hour late," he said.

Four firefighters and 8 personnel were deployed. The new fire can be extinguished at 06.00 WIB.

The length was from 03.15 to 06.00. In the process of extinguishing the fire, it spread to the back of the factory. One resident's house caught fire, the land documents and the victim's vehicle were scorched," he explained.

Munir confirmed that there were no casualties in the incident.

"The death toll is certain to be non-existent," he concluded.

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