JAKARTA - Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman was reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) by the Acsenahumanis Response Foundation. He is suspected of misappropriating assistance from international institutions for earthquake victims in his area.

The international institution that gives it is called the reporter is the Red Crescent Emirates. The assistance is in the form of logistics in the form of 2,000 sheets of blankets, 25 tons of rice, 1,000 cleaning packages, 500 solar-powered lights, and battery carriers for tents.

"The regent cut the SOP that had been created by BNPB, and repacked the aid differently," he was quoted as saying in a written statement from the Acsenahumanis Response Foundation, Tuesday, December 27.

The reporter who did not mention his full name also suspected Herman of using his position for his benefit. Thus, the distribution to earthquake victims in Cianjur was not conveyed optimally.

The suspicion of logistical misappropriation began when the goods were unloaded in warehouses or other storage places that were not supposed to be, such as shop houses. Not only that, people also take their own aid so that this is considered not according to existing standards.

"What was previously a donation from an international institution was changed to party packaging and sold to the market. This means that the Regent uses his authority to cut the distribution of aid, as well as package the aid in other forms and sell it to the market," said the reporter.

It did not stop there, it is suspected that Herman also misappropriated financial assistance for victims of the Cianjur earthquake. So, the complainant hopes that the KPK will take action against this allegation.

"This is just assistance (logistics, ed), not yet international aid funds that are suspected of having misappropriation," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri, confirmed the report. He did not want to specify who the reporter was but confirmed the investigation would be carried out.

"Of course we cannot convey the reporter or the material to the public," said Ali, when confirmed.

Even so, Ali said the incoming reports would be reviewed and verified. If corruption is found, the anti-corruption commission is ready to follow up.

"We will immediately follow up with a review and verification to ensure the completeness of the complaint report," he said.

"We are also enriching information related to this," he concluded.

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