The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has extended the detention period for the next 40 days against the inactive Regent of Bangkalan R. Abdul Latif Amin Imron (RALAI) and his friends.

"The investigative team has extended the detention period for the suspect RALAI and his friends for the next 40 days, starting from December 27, 2022 to February 4, 2023," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in his statement, Monday, December 26.

The extension of the detention period was carried out because the investigative team still needed time to complete the evidence in the investigation case file, including through summoning various parties as witnesses.

The KPK has named six suspects in the alleged bribery case related to the auction of positions at the Bangkalan Regency Government, East Java.

The suspect as the recipient is Abdul Latif, while the suspect who gave the bribe was the Head of the Bangkalan District Apparatus Personnel and Development Agency Agus Eka Leandy (AEL), Head of the Bangkalan Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning Office Wildan Yulianto (WY).

Furthermore, the Head of the Bangkalan Regency Food Security Service, Achmad Mustaqim (AM), the Head of the Bangkalan Hosin Jamili (HJ) Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service, and the Head of the Bangkalan Regency Industry and Manpower Office Salman Hidayat (SH).

Currently, Abdul Latif is being held at the KPK Detention Center at the KPK's Red and White Building, while AEL, WY, and AM are being held at the KPK Detention Center at Pomdam Jaya Guntur and HJ and SH are being held at the KPK Detention Center in Lot C1 of the KPK Anti-Corruption Education Center Building.

Previously, the KPK had detained them for the first 20 days from December 7, 2022, to December 26, 2022.

In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that the suspect Abdul Latif as the Regent of Bangkalan for the 2018-2023 period had the authority to choose and directly determine the graduation of state civil servants (ASN) in the Bangkalan Regency Government who participated in the selection process and the auction of positions.

In the period 2019-2022, the Bangkalan Regency Government on the orders of the suspect RALAI opened selection formations at several positions at the highest leadership positions (JPT), including promotions for echelon III and IV.

Through his trusted person, the suspect Abdul Latif then asked for a fee in the form of money for every ASN who wanted to be elected and pass the selection of positions.

The ASN who volunteered and agreed to give some money so that they were chosen and declared to have passed by the suspect Abdul Latif were suspect AEL, suspect WY, suspect AM, suspect HJ, and suspect SH.

The amount of fees given and received by the suspect Abdul Latif through his trusted people varies according to the position he wants.

The KPK suspects that the amount of the honorarium is set to start at IDR 50-150 million, which is technically the handover of it in cash through the confidant of the suspect Abdul Latif.

In addition, the KPK also suspects that the suspect Abdul Latif received a sum of other money for participating and interfering in the arrangement of several projects in all offices in the Bangkalan Regency Government by determining the amount of the fee of 10 percent of each project budget value.

Meanwhile, the amount of money allegedly received by suspect RALAI through his trusted people amounted to around Rp. 5.3 billion. The KPK revealed that the use of money received by suspect Abdul Latif was intended for personal purposes, including for electability surveys.

In addition, he said, the suspect Abdul Latif was also suspected of receiving other gifts in the form of gratuities. This will be traced and further developed by the investigative team.

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