JAKARTA - King Charles III remembers the figure of the late Queen Elizabeth II and interfaith synergy to overcome hunger, when delivering her first Christmas speech.

In addition, King Charles III also praised "very kind people" who have supported those who are struggling with the cost of living crisis.

In his first speech since rising the throne four months ago, the 74-year-old king sympathized with families across the UK struggling to address rising household bills.

He praised individuals, charities and religious groups for their tireless work, in order to provide important assistance to people in need.

Raja mengatakan banyak orang mengalami "kecemasan dan kesulitan yang besar" ketika mencoba untuk "membayar bill mereka dan menjaga keluarga mereka tetap makan dan hangat."

Britain is known to be grappling with a partial economic crisis due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which causes fuel prices and energy to rise rapidly.

King Charles III recalls how the late Queen Elizabeth II, who could touch the lives of others with "good and affection", something she described as "the essence of our community and the foundation of our society".

This quality is reflected in the "unstakeful dedication" of the armed forces, the professionalism of health and social nurses, teachers and everyone working in public services.

"And at times of anxiety and great difficulty, either for those around the world who are facing conflict, hunger or natural disasters, or for those at home finding ways to pay their bills and keeping their families fed and warm. We see that in humanity people across our country and the Commonwealth are so ready to respond to the suffering of others," he told The National News Dec. 25.

"I specifically want to pay tribute to everyone who is very kind who is generous in providing food or donations, or the most valuable commodity of all, their time, to support those around those who need it most, along with many charity organizations doing it, the incredible work in the most difficult circumstances."

The king's speech was delivered from Quire of St George's Chapel, reflecting the celebration speech of the late Queen Elizabeth in 1999. It followed her mother's established pattern, personal reflection that year, touching on the latest issues and with a Christian framework.

Furthermore, King Charles III also cited other religions, highlighting how religious communities help those with financial difficulties and, like Christians, believe in "the power of light overcomes darkness".

For decades as 'a waiting king', the then Prince of Wales was known for his extensive work with various religious groups.

"Our churches, monasteries, mosques, temples and gurdwaras, once again unite in feeding hunger, providing love and support throughout the year," he explained.

"Sifest solidarity like that is the most inspiring expression, from loving our fellows like ourselves," said King Charles III.

The central theme of his speech was the celebration of "No Pamrih Dedication", a value embodied by his late mother and reflected in the actions of many people, ranging from emergency services to community members, who help build and strengthen the environment.

The previously recorded speech opened with the king reflecting on how he stood "so close to the place of his beloved mother, the late queen, buried with his beloved father" at the King George VI Commemoration Chapel, and he thanked the public for the "love and sympathy" expressed on cards and messages of condolences.

He also described how the celebration period was a "sad time" for a grieving family, adding: "We feel their absence at every change of seasons is familiar and remembers them in every beloved tradition."

This year the aristocrats gathered at the Sandringham House, Norfolk to celebrate their first Christmas since Queen Elizabeth II's death in September.

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