JAKARTA - 12,000 train passengers (KA) departed from Gambir Station, Central Jakarta on Sunday, December 25 or to coincide with Christmas Day 2022. Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Operation Area 1 Jakarta Eva Chairunisa said the passengers were transported by 37 trains.

"Gambir 12,000, the number of trains is 37," Eva said as quoted by ANTARA.

A number of destinations for the departure of these passengers include Malang, Cirebon, Solo Balapan, Cilacap, Bandung, Surabaya Pasar Turi and Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the number of passengers departing at Pasar Senen Station, Central Jakarta was recorded at around 18,800 passengers this morning.

Eva noted that this number had decreased compared to December 23 and December 24. On December 23, for example, the number of departing passengers reached around 23,000 people.

"However, this number is still increasing compared to the volume at the normal weekend with an average passenger departing of around 11,000 passengers," said Eva.

Previously, on Saturday, December 24, around 13,900 train passengers departed with 37 train units from Gambir Station and 22,200 passengers departed with 32 train units, including an additional train series journey from Pasar Senen Station.

Overall, KAI Operation Area 1 Jakarta (Daop 1 Jakarta) provides a total ticket for 20 days during the 2022 Christmas and New Year 2023 holidays, from 22 December 2022 to 8 January 2023 as many as 736,406 tickets. As of Sunday afternoon, tickets sold reached 325,000.

Based on the date of departure, the most popular train will occur from December 22, 2022, to December 31, 2022.

There are a number of favorite destination cities chosen by passengers, including Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang, Purwokerto, Tegal, Kutoarjo, Surabaya, Malang and Madiun, while for close range, namely Cirebon and Bandung.

KAI Daop 1 Jakarta reminds all service users to pay attention to the current current regulations for the latest vaccines, especially changes to the rules for children aged six to 12 years.

At that age, those who have not received the vaccine can still take the train on condition that they have a certificate of not getting vaccinated from the puskesmas or health care facilities for certain reasons or must be accompanied by adults who have received a booster vaccination.

KAI Daop 1 also reminded train service users who will travel using KAI services to arrive early to the departure station at least one hour before the train departure.

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