JAKARTA - The song Emambo Simbo from students from Papua welcomed the arrival of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo at the Surakarta City Government's Joint Secretariat.

His arrival this time was to share happiness ahead of the 2022 Christmas celebrations.

A warm atmosphere can be seen when among the music rank that plays, a student embeds a crown on his head and overflows a beautiful noken around Ganjar's neck.

There were dozens of Papuan students at that time. Then they went to the meeting room for a dialogue together. Again, the students welcomed the song 'East Angin of Melayang Prison' and the typical Papuan dance

"They will celebrate Christmas maybe here, and on average they don't go home. Understandably, students, tickets are expensive, he said," explained Ganjar.

He added that the Secretariat Building was provided as a joint office, including that it could be used to celebrate religious days. Ganjar was also happy because students from Papua could take advantage of the building.

"They are boarding in many places, and the Mayor always gives a special building as a joint office, and there are friends from Papua, they can take advantage of it," he continued.

Ganjar is happy to be able to gather with friends from Papua. When he mingled with them, he remembered the days when he was in college.

"Now they want to get together, keep celebrating here and of course we are happy. It is remembered that when we students like them at that time, there must also be no more," he said.

Ganjar hopes that the presence of the joint building provided by the government will continue to bring benefits. Ganjar also hopes that the enthusiasm of the children from eastern Indonesia will continue to inflame, so that in the future they can contribute to building the land of Papua.

So that when there are facilities from the government, they can gather today, maybe this can refer to and give them spirit, enthusiasm and at the same time share happiness. Hopefully the children will be happy," concluded Ganjar.

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