National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin was reformulating the rules for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

This statement was made by Sigit because he saw that the 2022 Christmas celebrations were very different from last year. Where, houses of worship can be used in full.

"Last year there were restrictions on the PPKM level, so it can't be maximized. Today all churches perform 100 percent worship capacity," Sigit told reporters at the West Indonesian Protestant Church (GPIB) Imannuel, Saturday, December 24.

Then, he began to mention that the Minister of Health was currently rearranging PPKM rules. Thus, it is hoped that the rules related to community mobility will be abolished.

"While waiting for the Minister of Health, I think we are carrying out research again," said Sigit.

"Hopefully we pray that next year we can leave all the rules related to PPKM and return to normal life," he continued.

So, according to Sigit, the community's economy can run normally. Especially to improve welfare which had slumped during the pandemic.

"Thus, community activities will be better, the economy will also be pursued, of course, the welfare of the community will increase," said Sigit.

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