AGAM - The Bat Team of the Drug Investigation Unit of the Agam Police, West Sumatra, arrested ANG (29), a perpetrator suspected of being a narcotics dealer of class one type methamphetamine.

ANG was arrested while waiting for a buyer on Jalan Raya Maninjau, Jorong Tanjuang Batuang, Nagari or Duo Koto Village, Tanjung Raya District at around 19.30 WIB.

Agam Police Chief AKBP Muhammad Agus Hidayat said the police officer secured a large package of methamphetamine and six small packages of methamphetamine ready to be distributed from the hands of the perpetrators.

"There was no resistance from the perpetrator during the arrest. The perpetrator and the evidence were immediately taken to the Agam Police Headquarters for further processing," he said in Lubuk Basung, Antara, Friday, October 19.

The perpetrator was arrested while waiting for a methamphetamine buyer who is a police officer who disguised himself in a transaction on Jalan Raya Maninjau, Jorong Tanjuang Batuang, Nagari or Duo Koto Village, Tanjung Raya District.

When the buyer arrived at the location, the perpetrator was immediately secured along with evidence of seven packages of methamphetamine.

"I appreciate the performance of the Bat Team which has succeeded in capturing the target before the specified time limit," he said.

He said the perpetrators were very disturbing to residents in Tanjung Raya District, as a result of distributing the narcotics.

Based on the results of the interim examination, he said, the perpetrator admitted that he got the illicit goods from a friend who was suspected of being a drug network from the Lubuk Basung sub-district.

"Currently, officers are still developing cases, hopefully they can reveal their suppliers," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator is subject to Article 114 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 112 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, with the threat of a minimum imprisonment of five years and a maximum of 20 years in prison.

He said the Agam Police would continue to try to eradicate narcotics trafficking throughout the jurisdiction of the Agam Police. For this reason, it is also hoped that support from the community in reporting if there are indications of narcotics trafficking in the residence.

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