SIDOARJO - Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked related parties to be aware of the potential for high waves during the 2022 Christmas celebration and turn to the New Year 2023. "We ask related parties, in this case, the Tanjung Perak Port Authority, to improve coordination with the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) related to updating weather conditions or high waves," said Khofifah in a written statement, Saturday, December 24. He said, based on information from the BMKG, on 23-25 December 2022, it is estimated that the sea wave will reach between 2.5 - 4 meters. Especially in the Masalembo, Bawean, Saudi and Kangean areas. So there may be delays in ship departures to several destination areas. Please continue to coordinate with the BMKG regarding the weather, especially high waves. This vigilance continues to ensure the safety and security of shipping, these passengers are safe and smooth to their destinations, "he said. For this reason, Khofifah also asked passengers of sea transportation modes to be patient if the ship's departure schedule is delayed due to weather factors. This is all done so that smooth travel and passengers reach their destinations safely and meet the family," he said.

He said the BMKG also conveyed the potential for tidal waves in several coastal areas in Surabaya. Rob is caused by sea level rise, to high tides inundating the land.

Water floods can disrupt transportation around ports and coasts including salt and fishery farming activities, as well as loading and unloading activities at ports. "Regarding information from BMKG about tidal waves, we ask the community, especially in coastal areas, to be vigilant. Because this tidal wave is influenced by the new moon phase which affects tidal conditions, especially in December," he said.

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