PDI-P politician (PDIP) Deddy Yevri Sitorus assesses that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has never expressed his support for the figure of a presidential candidate (Capres) in 2024. According to him, it is just a political gimmick.

"So far, neither Jokowi nor the Palace have mentioned supporting the name of any candidate, nor have they shown single preferences that can be said to favor or promote candidates," said Deddy in a statement Saturday, December 24.

That the President has conveyed political metaphors several times, according to Deddy, this is natural and entertaining. For this reason, it should be considered intermezo in democracy.

"Almost all leaders in a democratic country do the same thing and no regulations or constitution are violated," he said, quoted by Antara.

For Deddy, what must be monitored is whether there is any use of elements of power, budget, and state facilities that are used to promote one of the prospective candidates.

Furthermore, he also said that he did not see any evidence showing any intervention from the Palace or the President against democracy.

"I see no valid evidence that the palace or the President is intervening whatever can be sued, both legally and ethically," he added.

For example, Deddy explained the satire that President Jokowi sided with any presidential candidate with the use of power must be proven legally and ethically democracy.

Therefore, Deddy regretted the political tactics that accused both the Palace and President Jokowi.

Deddy assessed that various parties should be able to politics more elegantly, focus on improving parties, and promoting candidates who will be supported.

"Don't play slander and insinuation, it's a sin from a religious and dirty political perspective that destroys political civilization," he said.

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