JAKARTA - Head of Public Relations of PT KAI (Persero) Daop 1 Jakarta Eva Chairunisa stated that ticket bookings this Saturday recorded 36,100 passengers or decreased compared to last Friday's 39,000 passengers.

"For today until noon, the number is 36,100 passengers. This data is very dynamic because until the evening there are still ticket sales and possible additional passengers," he said, quoting Antara, Saturday.

Today, at Gambir Station there are 37 trains with a departure volume of 13,900 passengers and an arrival volume of 3,493 passengers.

Meanwhile, at Pasar Senen Station as many as 32 trains with a departure volume of 22,200 passengers and an arrival volume of 1,963 passengers.

Eva estimates there will be an additional 500-1,000 train passengers today given the possibility of additional ticket bookings.

On Friday, ticket booking data until noon was still in the range of 38 thousand, but until the last train departure at night reached 39 thousand.

"For tomorrow the ticket bookings have been ordered 31 thousand, we will see there is a possibility of another increase. By the New Year's 2023, if we look at the current ticket bookings, there may be another increase in H-2 or D-1 before the turn of the year," he said.

When compared to last year's number of passengers, Eva continued, the realization has doubled.

"Last year, a total of 18 days (22 December-8 January 2021) there were around 190 thousand passengers, while this year as of December 24, 305,000 tickets purchased have been purchased. This means that until today tickets have exceeded last year, we predict that until Nataru (Christmas and New Year) ends there will be a 2-3 increase (compared last year)," said Eva.

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