SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial Government has decided to ban the 2021 new year celebration. This step is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in East Java.

"The East Java Provincial Government has decided not to justify Christmas and New Year celebration parties, it is not justified to be prohibited. Therefore there will be crowds and crowds that have the potential to spread COVID-19, temporarily eliminated," said East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, in Surabaya, Monday. , December 21st.

In addition, Khofifah also imposed occupancy restrictions on hotels and tourist attractions during Nataru. Then cinemas in East Java are also prohibited from operating or opening during Christmas and New Year.

"Every hotel and tourist spot that has water tourism or swimming pools is not allowed to open. We are calling for it to be canceled temporarily," he said.

Khofifah hopes that the long holiday at the end of this year will not increase the number of COVID-19 cases. This step was implemented to learn from previous experiences, namely the mobility and interaction of the community on the Eid al-Fitr holiday, the August 17 Independence holiday, and the Prophet Muhammad's birthday at the end of October, which significantly increased the spread of COVID-19.

"That's what we decided. Today our caution, our vigilance in implementing health protocols must be even tighter," he said.

The policy of the East Java provincial government, said Khofifah, follows a policy previously issued by a number of regional governments. Especially the Christmas and New Year holiday policies issued by the Bali Provincial Government.

In addition to limiting visits to hotels and tourist attractions, the Bali Provincial Government requires that every visitor to hotels and recreational areas in Bali shows evidence of having undergone a rapid antigen test or swab test.

Khofifah will also apply the same. The East Java Provincial Government has issued a policy to restrict hotel occupancy rates and tourist visits to tourist attractions in East Java during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

"There is a warning. The position is the same. If it is a tourist destination, and hotels or inns in the red zone, the maximum capacity that can be filled is 25 percent. In the orange zone, the maximum is 50 percent," said Khofifah.

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