Subang Police Chief AKBP Sumarni together with the Subang Regency Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) destroyed thousands of bottles of liquor (alcohol) of various brands and ciu.

The destruction of alcohol and ciu in order to create public security and order (kamtibmas) which is conducive during the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays, is at the Subang Police Headquarters yard, Thursday, December 22.

The Subang Police Chief said that the thousands of bottles of alcohol and ciu that were destroyed were the result of a concentrated operation carried out by the Subang Police Narcotics Unit and the ranks of the police during December 2022.

"The operation of thick cultivation and destruction of alcohol is a routine activity carried out in order to anticipate criminal cases," Sumarni told reporters, Thursday, December 22.

In addition to anticipating crime, he continued, this activity is also in order to protect the millennial generation in Subang Regency so that they are not damaged by drugs and alcohol.

"Miras, which today destroyed 8,430 bottles of alcohol of various brands and levels of alcohol, and ciu which were successfully revealed from various regions in Subang Regency," he said.

The former KPK investigator invited stakeholders to take action against locations that sell or distribute illegal alcohol, because there are still those who sell illegal alcohol in the Pantura Subang area and Subang City.

"We hope that the sanctions will be strengthened so that there will be a deterrent effect for business actors who are involved in the circulation of illegal alcohol," he hoped.

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