JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) opened the possibility of dismissing the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) by the end of 2022.

"Today, yesterday, our daily cases were at 1,200, and maybe later at the end of the year, we will declare that PSBB, our PPKM stops," said President Jokowi at the 2023 Indonesia Economic Outlook in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 21.

The President said that until the latest data, the downward trend in daily COVID-19 cases continued.

Jokowi gave an example, until Tuesday, December 20, the daily number of COVID-19 cases was 1,200 cases. This number shows a drastic decline compared to the peak of cases during the Omicron COVID-19 variant which reached 64 thousand cases.

"Travels like that we have to remember how difficult it is," he added.

Jokowi said the difficult situation of the COVID-19 pandemic could be managed properly, so that it became under control. This is because the government is calm and makes careful calculations to control difficult situations.

"We remember that at that time, personal protective equipment was lacking, oxygen was not there. Patients piled up in the hospital. Fortunately, at that time we were still calm, not nervous, not nervous, so we could manage the very difficult situation well," he said, quoted by Antara.

Jokowi also said that when the Delta variant of COVID-19 entered Indonesia, nearly 80 percent of the ministers in the cabinet advised him to do a lockdown. At that time, daily cases of COVID-19 reached 56 thousand cases.

"I remember almost 80 percent of the ministers advised me to lock down, including the public also said the same thing. If we did that at that time, maybe the story will be different at this time," he concluded.

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