JAKARTA - The electability rate of the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo) - led by Hary Tanoesoedibjo - in the 2024 General Election continues to show a positive trend.

Most recently, the results of a survey conducted by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) photographing the party's electability - which was determined by the KPU number 16 in the 2024 election - penetrated 4.6 percent.

In fact, the Perindo Party's electability was able to overtake three parliamentary parties, such as the NasDem Party with 3.2 percent, PPP 2.9 percent, and PAN 1.7 percent.

"I think it's interesting, among other things, if we observe Perindo is quite prominent as a non-parliament party that has 4.6 percent support," said SMRC Research Director Deni Irvani when describing the results of the survey which was broadcast online, Sunday, December 18.

Meanwhile, the PDI-P was ranked first with the highest electability in the survey.

Deni said the party's electability bearing the white-nosed bull logo was 24.1 percent.

Furthermore, the Golkar Party overshadowed with an electability of 9.4 percent, Gerindra 8.9 percent, Democrats 8.9 percent, PKS 6.2 percent, and PKB 6.1 percent.

"Meanwhile, other parties are below 1 percent, and those who don't know 20.9 percent," said Deni.

The SMRC survey was held on 3-11 December 2022. The survey involved 1,220 respondents who were Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over or were married.

The data collection process was carried out by face-to-face interviews. Meanwhile, the margin of error for the survey is estimated at 3.1 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

As is known, the Perindo Party is committed to winning the 2024 General Election.

The General Chairperson of the Perindo Party DPP Hary Tanoesoedibjo (HT) on various occasions emphasized that the Perindo Party targets to pass parliament by reaping double digits of votes is a fixed price for the Perindo Party in the upcoming elections.

HT emphasized that the 2024 election is an opportunity for the Perindo Party to pass parliament and even become a big party. This means that the Perindo Party's engine - which carries the tagline for Prosperous Indonesia - from the center to the regions must move appropriately.

HT instructed administrators and legislative candidates to always care, intervene, directly help with community problems, especially the small people.

"I am sure that if we really do it, we are disciplined, we prepare, the Perindo Party will get a lot of seats," he said at the National Consolidation and Bimtek of the Provincial and Regency/City DPRD Members from the Perindo Party throughout Indonesia recently.

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