JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono advised that ASN together with the TNI and Polri can establish synergies to ensure that the 2022 Christmas celebrations in the capital city take place safely.

"I ask ASN in the DKI Jakarta Province to synergize with the TNI-Polri, stakeholders as well as the Christians and Catholics of Jakarta so that the series of worship and Christmas 2022 celebrations will run well," said Heru after receiving an audience with the 2022 Christmas Celebration Committee and Representatives from the Archdiocese of Jakarta, at Jakarta City Hall, Monday 19 December.

He explained that synergies were improved to maintain and ensure that the series of worship activities and Christmas celebrations this year went well, safely, and peacefully.

"Hopefully this synergy can present a meaningful Christmas celebration, full of peace, and joy for all those who celebrate," added Heru.

Meanwhile, a representative from the Jakarta Archdiocese, the Interfaith Relations Commission, Pastor Antonius Suyadi expressed his appreciation to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government for its commitment and support in ensuring the implementation of worship and the 2022 Christmas celebration.

He hopes that the implementation of worship and Christmas celebrations this year will run safely and peacefully. The presence of the leaders in the DKI Provincial Government also supports that the Christmas celebrations take place safely.

"Of course, the form of synergy or cooperation is what form of support from the DKI Provincial Government to ensure a sense of security in each church for Christmas celebrations," he said.

On the other hand, Polda Metro Jaya has prepared 8,000 personnel to guard and secure the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year celebrations in the Jakarta area and its surroundings.

"There are 8,000 personnel, from the police in all areas of Jakarta," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan.

Zulpan said that the security for Christmas and New Year this year is slightly different from the previous year because the government has reduced capacity restrictions in entertainment venues and crowded centers in the capital city.

"What is different is the difference in the provisions of entertainment venues and crowded places which are different from last year," he said.

Terkait hal itu, Polda Metro Jaya meningkatkan rapat koordinasi dengan Pemda DKI Jakarta dan Kodam Jaya serta instansi terkait lainnya.

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