JAKARTA - The Civil Society Coalition at the START of the Clean Election asked the General Election Commission (KPU) to audit the Political Party Information System (Sipol) to answer the issue of data manipulation fraud in the stages of factual verification of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election.

In a press conference "Development of the Political Party's Faktual Verification Complaint Post", as monitored by Antara via YouTube Friends of ICW, Sunday, December 18, ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana said the Sipol audit needed to be carried out on a large scale as a form of KPU's transparency to the public.

"Against the KPU, this is very important to do, because until now we have never dared to say this by members of the central KPU. What is that? Audit the huge information system of political parties or Sipol," said Kurnia.

The results of the audit, he continued, can be conveyed transparently by the KPU to the public. This needs to be done by the Indonesian KPU because based on the testimony they received, the issue of fraud in the form of data manipulation in the factual verification stage stems from allegations of data changes in the Sipol.

"So, the answer is the Sipol audit, so that later it will look like there are differences in certain dates; because this system is based on digital, electronic, every data change must be visible there, we will compete with data," explained Kurnia.

In addition to auditing Sipol, the civil society coalition also asked Commission II of the DPR RI to summon the Indonesian KPU as a form of carrying out a supervisory mandate to clarify the alleged fraud.

"We also urge Commission II of the DPR RI to take advantage of its authority based on Article 38 paragraph (1) letter b of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections to recommend the dismissal of Indonesian KPU members who are proven to have cheated," said Kurnia.

Finally, the coalition asked President Joko Widodo to ensure that the implementation of the 2024 General Election was not favored by the practice of intimidation, fraud, corruption, and manipulation.

The Civil Society Coalition of the Clean Election Guard consists of a number of civil society groups and law firms, namely Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Network for Democracy and Electoral Integrity (Netgrit), Center for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK), Constitutional and Administrative Law Society (CALS), Nongovernmental Communications and Organizational Forum, Center for Constitutional Studies Andalas University, Indonesian Themis Firm, Amar Law Firm, and Legislative Monitoring Committee.

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