Chairman of the Surabaya City DPRD Adi Sutarwijono stated that the fulfillment of clean water needs in his area had reached 99.06 percent.

"Now in the era of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surabaya (Eri Cahyadi and Pak Armuji), the fulfillment of PDAM's clean water needs has reached 99.06 percent. This is the percentage of PDAM services for Surabaya residents," Adi said in a written statement, Sunday, December 18, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, in 2023 with the APBD worth IDR 11.2 trillion, development policies in the city of Surabaya are directed to fulfill the basic needs of the people such as repairing uninhabitable houses, building latrines for underprivileged residents.

"In addition, scholarships are also given to high school/vocational school students, poverty alleviation and unemployment, encouraging the growth of MSMEs and labor-intensive houses, and so on," he said.

According to him, various public policies in the city of Surabaya continue to be directed to deal with community problems.

That right, said Adi, has been carried out since the era of the Surabaya Mayor Bambang DH's administration, followed by the leadership period of Mayor Tri Rismaharini, and now Mayor Eri Cahyadi and Vice Mayor Armuji.

Previously, Adi also took the time to fulfill the invitation to confirm the completion of the construction of a clean water network from PDAM from residents of Karangpoh Village, Tandes, Surabaya on Saturday, December 17 evening.

The head of RW 09 Karangpoh, Darkim, said that his party had for years so that the clean water network of PDAM could enter his village. In fact, Darkim asked Cak Awi at that time to join in fighting for him.

"Alhamdullilah, now it has been built. The residents' clean water needs have been met. We thank you," he said.

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